Update 3/14/2023: After several requests for information, Aiken County Emergency Medical Services has clarified that Devin Brosnahan is no longer employed with them. Please get in touch if you have information on Brosnahan’s current employers.
Summary: Devin Brosnahan is a neo-Nazi leader in Augusta, Georgia. Under the alias “Levi Savage,” Brosnahan leads the Georgia chapter of White Lives Matter. Last year, we appealed for information on “Levi” after we had identified Hunter Forsyth as another White Lives Matter administrator. Now, we can explain how we identified “Levi” while outlining his racist and antisemitic activity with White Lives Matter and other groups. Brosnahan works as an emergency medical technician, an alarming job for a committed and active neo-Nazi. Online records indicate that last year he worked for Aiken County Emergency Medical Services across the state line in South Carolina. Aiken County EMS must clarify whether Brosnahan remains an employee, as he is an obvious danger to those around him and to those he would be expected to provide aid to.

In December, we appealed for information on a white nationalist operating under the alias “Levi Savage.” “Levi” was an administrator for the White Lives Matter – Georgia (WLM – GA) channel on the Telegram messaging application. As well as his WLM – GA activities, he targeted neighborhoods with propaganda for the hardcore antisemitic Goyim Defense League (GDL). In an appearance on an online fascist broadcast, “Levi” claimed that his job was “basically an ambulance driver” and stated that his racist worldview helps him to “deal” at work. We had already traced “Levi” to the metro Augusta, Georgia area and determined several specific details about him. For example, we learned that he had a close connection to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) in his earlier life, although his relationship with the church might have soured.

We can now identify “Levi” as Devin Daniel Brosnahan, born on October 6, 2000 and currently living in Augusta. Brosnahan is a licensed Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), with online records showing that last year he worked for Aiken County Emergency Medical Services in South Carolina—just across the state line from Augusta. If Brosnahan continues to work as an EMT, he is a potential life-endangering threat to every person of color, LGBTQ+ individual, or Jewish person he encounters. With the publication of this article, we call on Aiken County Emergency Medical Services to clarify whether Brosnahan still works for them. Any emergency medical service employing Brosnahan endangers vulnerable people and must fire the neo-Nazi immediately.
Identification of White Lives Matter’s “Levi Savage” as Devin Brosnahan

In our December 2022 appeal for information on “Levi,” we mentioned that we had discovered a Utah phone number used by “Spartan Levi”—one of “Levi’s” aliases—on the Signal messaging application, after we investigated an anti-trans flyer distributed by his network in Georgia. We got our first real break in identifying “Levi,” when we discovered that this phone number showed the name “Devin” when we entered it on CashApp, an electronic payments application. A source with knowledge of the white power scene in Augusta who had met Devin Brosnahan in person independently confirmed that this was “Levi’s” actual first name.

Knowing that “Levi” worked in emergency medical services, and following up on the lead that his actual name was “Devin,” we searched for that first name on the Georgia Department of Public Health (DPH) personnel lookup service. We retrieved over fifty “Devin” names from this search, but the DPH system marked a much smaller number as “Active.” Of these individuals, only a handful received their initial Emergency Medical Technician licenses in the last two years. We soon discovered that one of these licensees, Devin Brosnahan, had an address in Augusta, Georgia. Every detail matched the tip we received from source.

Devin Brosnahan received his initial EMT license in Georgia in December 2022. This did not fit the chronology in our earlier appeal for information: “Levi” appeared on a fascist internet broadcast in early 2022 and stated that he had been working in emergency medical services for approximately “six months.” However, looking up Brosnahan’s name in the South Carolina online licensure portal showed that he was licensed as an EMT in that state since April 2021. This fits the sequence of events in “Levi’s” interview much better. (We believe “six months” was a rough estimate.) We also found online records revealing that in 2022, Devin Brosnahan was employed as an EMT in Aiken County, South Carolina, just across state lines from the address we found for him in Augusta.

Information we gathered on “Levi” closely matched the details of Devin Brosnahan’s life. For example, the Google Voice phone number used by “Levi” had a Utah area code and was part of a block of numbers initially designated for Provo, Utah. On the “White Biocentrism” forum operated by the white supremacist National Alliance, “Levi Savage” mentioned doing “nationalist activism” in Utah, but now living in Georgia. We discovered that Devin Brosnahan maintained a Twitter account—now deleted—using the address @devinbrosnahan and then later @spongeopolis. On this Twitter account in early 2020, Devin Brosnahan mentioned Provo in his profile bio, as well as “UVU”—Utah Valley University in nearby Orem, Utah. Further tying Brosnahan to Provo, an old profile on LinkedIn for “Devin B.,” a sales associate at Clearlink in Provo, Utah, still shows up when one searches his name on that website.
When doing an interview with the “Eagle’s Nest” fascist broadcast in February 2022, “Levi” claimed that “I’ve been aware of emergency medical services all my life […] it’s been a big background for me”. This would certainly be true for Devin Brosnahan, whose father works as an Emergency Medicine Physician at Augusta hospitals. Devin Brosnahan’s grandfather on his mother’s side of the family also has a medical background—he was a doctor and professor at Atlanta’s Emory University School of Medicine—as well as holding office within the LDS Church.

Devin Brosnahan had already joined the white nationalist movement before he began using his “Levi Savage” alias. When Brosnahan changed his Twitter handle to @spongeopolis, he removed the location information on his bio and replaced it with the hashtag #AmericaFirst, a slogan adopted by the white nationalist “groyper” movement. In mid-2020, the @spongeopolis Twitter account also shared propaganda for the “groypers,” such as retweeting the now-deleted NationalistTV account. Devin Brosnahan used the “Spongeopolis” alias elsewhere on the web. Under this alias, he posted regularly to the r/exmormon board on Reddit. (That Reddit account has deleted its main posts, but its remaining comments are enough to confidently identify the account holder as Devin Brosnahan.) On Amazon.com in August 2020, an account under the name “Spongeopolis”—Brosnahan’s consistent alias—posted a negative review of a critical book about women in the white nationalist movement, portraying the book as “an attack on the nuclear family” filled with “lies and deception”.

Three final bits of information cinch our identification of Devin Brosnahan as “Levi Savage.” These are: “Levi’s” recorded speeches, his targeted placement of WLM flyers, and his house.

In our appeal for information about “Levi,” we noted that in 2021 “Levi” supplied five audio speeches to Amerikaner, a white nationalist propaganda project. These speeches were circulated through the syndication for “Achtung! Amerikaner” podcast, in versions that contained music playing in the background. However, we also found one of these speeches—“Collectivization is an Evolutionary Advantage”—posted directly on the Amerikaner website, in a version without background music. This raw version appears to be a file supplied directly by “Levi”. Examining the metadata for that audio file, we found that its encoding was “Sony IC Recorder MP3 3.1.2”. As “spongeopolis,” Devin Brosnahan also posted an audio file online—a recording of a hymn composed by his maternal grandmother, which was performed in 2019 at her funeral. Metadata on this file shows the same encoding—type, version number, and bitrate—as the raw audio of the speech by “Levi”.

“Levi’s” propaganda activity in metro Augusta also points to his identity. The first White Lives Matter video clip we identified as created by “Levi” was released to the Georgia chapter’s Telegram channel in early February 2022. This clip showed him attaching WLM flyers to poles at Camp Helaman in Evans, Georgia, a nonprofit-operated camp used by the Latter-day Saints community. It was clear to us that “Levi” meant to target this specific religious community with the racist propaganda. In the video posted to WLM – GA, “Levi” also blurred out the camp sign from footage, as though identifying this location would offer a clue to his identity.
As mentioned earlier, Devin Brosnahan left an internet trail even before his “Levi” persona. Under his earlier “Spongeopolis” handle, Brosnahan wrote on the r/exmormon Reddit board about his alienation from the LDS faith and about not openly leaving the church in order to maintain relationships. If Brosnahan wanted to reach young members of the LDS community with racist propaganda but not act with open hostility toward that church in his own name, placing flyers anonymously would be a suitable tactic. Identifying Camp Helaman does indeed lead to “Levi’s” identity, since Devin Brosnahan’s father was listed as the camp’s Vice President in IRS filings from 2020, and his mother, the camp’s secretary. His family history with the camp presumably meant that if Devin Brosnahan were seen around this private property, few questions would be asked.

Later in February 2022, the WLM GA channel on Telegram shared two videos of different WLM banners placed on the Wheeler Road overpass above I-520 in Augusta, which were done as part of a WLM “Day of Activism.” One of these videos was created by WLM GA administrator Hunter Forsyth and the other by “Levi”—the two appear to have met up in Augusta to do racist “activism” together. Wheeler Road is the nearest overpass to Devin Brosnahan’s address in Augusta. Further, the video of “Levi’s” WLM banner begins with a time-lapse sequence of the banner being painted, which shows the interior of a home. Comparing this interior from the WLM video to online photographs of the Center Court Drive property listed as Devin Brosnahan’s home shows that they are the same space. Flooring, wall color, trim, and room layout all match exactly, as do the positions of a light switch and a thermostat by a room entrance. Considered altogether, the evidence is overwhelming: neo-Nazi activist “Levi Savage” and Devin Brosnahan are the same person.
Early Neo-Nazi Activity in Georgia
In our initial piece on “Levi,” we mentioned his white supremacist affiliations and set out some of his racist, antisemitic, and anti-LGBTQ+ agitation in our state. Now that we have identified “Levi” as Devin Brosnahan, we provide another overview of this activity, including some information which we have learned since our first article.
While we do not know the exact time of Brosnahan’s return to Georgia from Utah, his South Carolina EMT license was granted in April 2021. The same month, Amerikaner—a white nationalist propaganda project focused on “flyover country”—began posting audio speeches by “Levi,” with five of these speeches shared during April and May 2021. That May, Amerikaner also published a text by “Levi” announcing “The Spartan Project,” an attempt to unify various white nationalist projects. Brosnahan has subsequently tried to launch other racist initiatives, inevitably with himself in the role of the strategist or secret organizer behind the scenes.

In January 2021, “Levi Savage” introduced himself as “a new National Alliance member” on the organization’s “White Biocentrism” forum. The National Alliance was once the largest neo-Nazi group in North America, although it sharply declined following the 2002 death of its founder and leader; ensuing internal power struggles; and the child porn conviction of Kevin Alfred Strom, who led a breakaway group. The National Alliance’s founder, William Luther Pierce, wrote The Turner Diaries, a race war fantasy which continues to inspire the white supremacist underground. Devin Brosnahan clearly views Pierce as a great leader, seeing as he signed up for the organization Pierce led for decades and until late last year used an image of Pierce as his profile picture on Telegram. As a member of the National Alliance, “Levi Savage” contributed a racist and antisemitic article which was published on one of the Alliance’s websites. However, “Levi” posted for the last time on “White Biocentrism” forum just one month after his introductory post, suggesting that he may have quickly lost interest in the organization. (We cannot rule out Brosnahan staying involved behind the scenes.)
White Lives Matter Propaganda Efforts
Our organization first noticed Brosnahan’s “Levi Savage” account in the Telegram messaging channel for “White Lives Matter – Georgia” on February 1, 2022, although he may have joined a few days earlier. WLM – GA soon made “Levi” an administrator for the channel, a role which Devin Brosnahan continues to the present. “White Lives Matter” is a white nationalist project focusing on anonymous propaganda distribution such as placing stickers and banners, but also holds masked flash mob demonstrations in states where it has established a core of activists. The Georgia branch of WLM has never achieved this critical mass, hopefully in part because of our efforts, but members traveled to Tennessee to participate in demonstrations there. Since 2021, WLM – GA has had several administrators for its Telegram channel, most of whom our organization exposed. At the end of 2021, we exposed Dustin Barnes as WLM – GA’s main administrator at the time. Last year we unmasked Hunter Forsyth, at the time a firefighter in Coweta County, as one of Brosnahan’s co-administrators for the Georgia channel. Brosnahan/“Levi Savage” has now been the longest-lasting administrator for WLM – GA, and one of the project’s most energetic participants. Although the Georgia WLM network has been mostly quiet since we exposed Forsyth and appealed for information on “Levi” at the end of last year, Brosnahan has not left the network or his admin role.

We have already mentioned Brosnahan targeting Camp Helaman outside Augusta with WLM propaganda, as well as his placing a WLM banner at an overpass in Augusta later in February 2022. In March 2022, he left a trail of WLM stickers along a three-mile stretch of the Evans to Locks Road in metro Augusta. This stickering mission was documented in a video shared to the WLM – GA channel on Telegram. In the footage, “Levi”/Brosnahan appeared to be traveling on a OneWheel device. Devin Brosnahan is familiar with the area he targeted—an earlier family home was located off this same stretch of the Evans to Locks Road.

While Devin Brosnahan was a WLM – GA administrator, members of the Georgia group traveled to participate in two WLM – Tennessee rallies, the first in Nashville during April 2022 and the second in Franklin that June. We cannot definitively identify Brosnahan as one of the masked figures at these events. At minimum, Brosnahan made propaganda around the white nationalist displays and promoted them. Brosnahan made a remixed video “edit” of footage from the April 2022 flash demonstration in Nashville, which he shared in early June to the WLM – GA channel. We have been able to identify videos made by “Levi” through their style and also by analyzing file metadata. Later, we will discuss Brosnahan’s videos for another project, the hardcore antisemitic Goyim Defense League.

At the same time Brosnahan began as a WLM – GA administrator, he networked with other groups and tried to bring them together under his strategic leadership. A document created by “Levi”/Brosnahan and circulated to contacts on Telegram in early March 2022, “White Unity Project: Winning the White Way,” set out his vision. The two-page document, intended as an introduction to a larger work, set out the project’s goal: “to update the playbook by which Adolf Hitler and his followers found success”. To establish the author’s credibility as a Nazi, one third of the text consisted of an extended quote from Mein Kampf. The document’s argument was banal: that those “performing pro-White activism” and those “building pro-White communities” should unite their efforts. Like his “Spartan Project” of the year prior, Brosnahan’s “White Unity Project” went nowhere. However, the text is an example of his committed neo-Nazism, as well as his attempts to network within the white power scene and to establish himself as some sort of thinker within it.
Goyim Defense League (GDL) Propaganda Efforts

Coinciding with his early WLM – GA activities and the “White Unity Project” pipe dream, Devin Brosnahan distributed propaganda for the rabidly antisemitic Goyim Defense League (GDL). Our first article on “Levi” mentioned that in the GDL’s chat on Telegram, “Levi Savage” shared a video of a group of neo-Nazis placing GDL flyers into weighted bags and throwing them on lawns in eastern/coastal Georgia. Although “Levi”/Brosnahan shared this video to GDL chat in September 2022, file metadata shows that it was created on February 23, 2022, with the events it portrayed occurring some time earlier. We have now discovered that this video was first posted to a small white supremacist Telegram channel, “FL GA Border Waffen” (now renamed), on February 23, 2022. Two brief clips that appeared in the completed video were shared on that channel a couple of days earlier. By examining the completed video’s metadata, we could tell that it was made by the same person behind “Levi’s” videos for WLM. We also identified one of the participants in the GDL flyer distribution footage as “Levi,” based on matching clothing items, height, and build. We believe that Brosnahan traveled to near Savannah and met up with other neo-Nazis from the “Border Waffen” channel; helped prepare and likely distribute the GDL flyers; and then edited the propaganda video for the group.

Another video shared to the Goyim Defense League’s chat on Telegram shows a first-person view of “Levi” throwing bags of GDL propaganda onto properties in Sandy Springs, metro Atlanta, in July 2022. Just like his March 2022 stickering for White Lives Matter – Georgia, “Levi” appears to use a OneWheel to move through the area, while filming from a helmet-mounted camera. Sandy Springs was almost certainly targeted because of its sizable Jewish population, which Brosnahan was attempting to intimidate with his flyers. The incident was covered by The Atlanta Jewish Times. Sandy Springs was targeted with GDL flyers again in early February this year, but this time the flyer bags were thrown from a white four-door sedan. Because a handful of GDL members are active in our state, we do not claim that Brosnahan was responsible for this latest incident.
Anti-LGBTQ+ Multi-Group Coalition Activism
Devin Brosnahan also plunged into anti-gay and anti-trans harassment campaigns in our state last year, operating as WLM – GA but also collaborating with other far-right groups. On October 3, 2022, WLM – GA posted that “anonymous activists” from their network participated in a recent protest of Drag Queen Story Time events in Columbus, Georgia. The Georgia chapter of the Proud Boys and other far-right individuals harassed ColGAY Pride events on September 3 and October 1 last year. The WLM statement was ambiguous about which of these events they participated in, or whether they were active both times. An anti-trans flyer distributed on October 1 in Columbus led directly back to Brosnahan—when one scanned the QR code on the flyer, this led to a “flyer feedback” Signal group operated by “Spartan Levi.” The number on this Signal account ultimately led to us identify Brosnahan.

Finally, the WLM – GA channel claimed that WLM and “like-minded activists protested Savannah PRIDE 2022.” The accompanying video showed two individuals passing out homophobic/transphobic flyers at the Savannah Pride evening celebrations on October 28, 2022. It remains unclear whether Devin Brosnahan was one of the two people who physically passed out the flyers. However, the flyers are in Brosnahan’s typical style, and he edited the video that appeared on WLM – GA’s Telegram channel. The post on this Telegram channel provided Brosnahan’s “Levi Savage” account as who to contact “to get involved” with future activities.
Work as Emergency Medical Technician
In February 2022, “Levi”/Brosnahan gave an interview to racist internet broadcaster “John Fashcroft” (recently unmasked as Dylan P. Annex of Tulsa, Oklahoma) about his work in emergency medical services. Brosnahan claimed that his racism is an integral part of how he performs his job day-to-day, stating: “I can’t imagine not being racially aware and then having to deal with some of the situations that I’ve been in.” He also claimed that although he and co-workers received “in-service training about not judging people too quickly […] everybody knows on the street that all that stuff doesn’t work in reality, especially with some of the people we deal with.” In other words: when Brosnahan makes racist judgements as an EMT, he believes that he has the tacit support of his coworkers.
According to online records, last year Brosnahan was employed by Aiken County Emergency Medical Services in South Carolina. When we contacted Aiken County EMS recently to confirm that Brosnahan still worked for them, they told our caller that they would not provide this information without Brosnahan’s signature on a waiver. Now that we have published extensive documentation on Brosnahan’s neo-Nazi activity, we call on Aiken County EMS to publicly clarify their relationship with him. White supremacists pose a clear danger when working in emergency services, since they will inevitably mistreat and fail to protect members of races and ethnic groups they hate. This is even clearer in Brosnahan’s case, since he is explicit that being “racially aware” plays a part in how he navigates situations at work. We will update this article if Aiken County EMS provides further information on Brosnahan. Since Brosnahan currently also holds an EMT license in Georgia, we hope that community members will also circulate this article around metro Augusta.
We can confidently identify “Levi Savage” as Devin Daniel Brosnahan of Augusta. Brosnahan has engaged in extensive neo-Nazi activity while based in Georgia, with groups such as the National Alliance, White Lives Matter, and the Goyim Defense League.
Brosnahan is a licensed emergency medical technician in South Carolina and Georgia. He believes that racism helps him “deal” with the situations he encounters as an EMT—a horrifying statement since every shift brings him in contact with people experiencing life-threatening crises. According to internet records, Aiken County Emergency Medical Services in South Carolina employed Devin Brosnahan last year. Aiken County EMS must clarify their relationship with Brosnahan, and immediately fire the neo-Nazi if he remains with them. Since Brosnahan is licensed to be an EMT in Georgia as well as South Carolina, and has already targeted Augusta and surrounding areas with racist materials, we also ask that metro Augusta residents share this documentation widely.
If you have further information on Brosnahan, or other white nationalists in our state, please get in touch.